Japan Visa Types – difference between a Short-Term and Long-term Stay

Passport with Japan Visa
Passport with Visa Stamps

All foreign nationals require a visa to enter Japan. At present, visa on arrivals are available for the majority of visitors. Past COVID related restrictions have been ended since October 2022. Some countries may however still have testing requirements related to Covid, so please check with your Japan embassy for current restrictions.

Foreign nationals already holding a valid status of residence, or a re-entry permit, are able to enter Japan without the need for a new visa application.

Short-term Japan Visa

Japan immigration defines a stay of up to 90 days for the purpose of tourism, business, visiting friends or relatives that does not include remunerative activities as a short-term stay. This mean you can visit a maximum of 90 days as long are you not doing anything to get paid.

long-term Japan Visa

A stay in Japan of more than 90 days is considered long-term. Certain visas within this category allow the holder to perform remunerative work. With a long-term visa you are able to get paid for working in Japan, enroll in a school, or stay for extended periods of time.

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