MySOS App changes to Visit Japan Web from November 2022

Visit Japan Website News

The Japanese government will change the fast track system used for arrivals from November 1st, 2022. The previously used MySOS App will be discontinued, and in its place will be the “Visit Japan Web”.

This new system will expedite COVID-related entry processes as well as the completion of complete the “Quarantine,” “Immigration” and “Customs Declaration” portions of the immigration process.

According to the Digital Agency, by registering required certificates online before arrival, Quarantine procedure at airports can be smoothly done by just showing QR code on screen. This Fast Track system will help to allow the Japanese government to make the review of a traveller status prior to their arrival, thereby speeding up their transit through the airport.

The four steps from the Visit Japan Web detail the basic procedure for the registration of information, document upload, review process and presentation to immigration officials.

For more information, please see the Visit Japan Web and Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare pages on Fast Track.

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